Brisbane global fleet maintenance bus and truck engineering servicing 1-bus yutong repairs mechanical workshop parts3


In addition to our own extensive stock, we have built an extensive network of partners & suppliers who can support your parts requirements. We carry a backlog of spare parts to suit most buses and Japenese trucks and are ready to repair your vehicle with the parts you need to get you back on the road again!

Brisbane global fleet maintenance bus and truck engineering servicing 1-bus yutong repairs mechanical workshop parts2
Brisbane global fleet maintenance bus and truck engineering servicing 1-bus yutong repairs 4

Bus Specific Parts

Our partner, Bus Stop Sales and Service has an extensive range of bus parts for Yutong, King Long, I-Bus (Powered by Isuzu), Higer and other common bus types such as the Toyota Coaster and Mitsubishi Rosa. Call our parts team and we look forward to assisting you.

Brake Parts

Our customers can choose from a range of fleet parts when they partner with Global Fleet Maintencance. If you need trailer spare parts, we can help there as well!

Brakes are critical to the safety and reliability of your fleet. Whether they’re wearing out or if you want a spare on hand, our fleet spare parts include a line of brake parts.

Brisbane global fleet maintenance bus and truck engineering servicing 1-bus yutong repairs mechanical workshop brakes
Brisbane global fleet maintenance bus and truck engineering servicing 1-bus yutong repairs mechanical workshop parts

Engine Parts

The range of fleet parts we provide online makes it quick and easy to order engine parts when you need them. We’ll ship your selection straight to your door without delay.

Brisbane global fleet maintenance bus and truck engineering servicing 1-bus yutong repairs mechanical workshop parts

Engine Parts

The range of fleet parts we provide online makes it quick and easy to order engine parts when you need them. We’ll ship your selection straight to your door without delay.

Oil, Fuel and Lubricants

Lubricants and oil can keep your fleet’s engines in good shape, and changing them or topping them up is an essential practice. You can get lubricants, oil and fuel from us to keep your fleet running like new.

Brisbane global fleet maintenance bus and truck engineering servicing 1-bus yutong repairs mechanical workshop oil
Brisbane global fleet maintenance bus and truck engineering servicing 1-bus yutong repairs mechanical workshop tyres

Tyres and Rims

Heavy haulage and long trips can take a toll on your tyres and rims. Our lineup of fleet truck parts includes quality rims and truck tyres. Select the truck parts you need in Brisbane, and we’ll deliver them.

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